Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Blame Karen Fillipelli for all That is Wrong With The World


I know that sounds ridiculous. Because it well 
is ridiculous. It reeks of ridicioulosity. Especially because I am blaming a fictional character for everything that is wrong with the world. *shakes head in disbelief at myself*

So, what do I blame her for? Well. first off I blame her for Season 3 of the Office. That is the major thing. And y'know, I wouldn't have thought of my dislike to her, until I started reminscing about season 3...and it started again. Thank you!

So besides the major season 3 fiasco, I blame her for...

...being exhausted today at work, and having the brilliant upon brilliant idea that I should wear heels. Yah. Not so fun after 7 hours of standing.

....for being grumpy this morning, because I knew I wouldn't have a second to myself today at work.

...for not having a second to myself for having two meetings and six classes all in a row.

...for wanting new kitchen appliances and just not being able to get them.

...for wanting the new sleigh and horse from American Girl and doubting that I am getting it for the holidays.

...for having my cat Lucky wake up at 6 in the morning crying, when I was SO not ready to get up.

...for having to get ready for work in the dark this morning, and thus putting my shirt on backwards, because I was getting ready for work in the dark.

I think that is it for today. Just letting you know, she was also to blame for me being sick a couple weeks ago, our air conditioning breaking over the summer, and just minor/major irritations that have happened to me on a daily basis.

On the flip side...I am pleased to note that Pam gets credited for everything that is right in the world.

Some of those examples that happened today are:

...getting my favorite french toast bagels at one of the meetings. classes being amazing well behaved considering how tired I was.

...having a good meeting with my supervisor on my "performance review"

...eating lunch with my friend Karen (who is no relation or resemblemance to Karen Filippelli.

...going to Target and finding out they restocked up on the Office nifty gifties although I didn't buy anything.

...wearing my Care Bear socks.

...making a yummy dinner for myself.

Pam also gets credit for things that happened in the past. Those things are (but not limited too): going away for our anniversary, completing my Pam doll, reconnecting wtih old friends, making new friends, feeling warm 'n fuzzy on a daily basis, the Office being in Season 5, baking cookies and various other warm 'n fuzzy feelings and activities.

*giggles* Yah, I so don't have a life!


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