Monday, January 12, 2009

Amusing Office Quote of the day...

So, I am cheap in so many little ways. Seriously. I would gladly pay full price for a meal at a restaurant, most movies, almost all books, and American Girl. But clothes, other neccessities and odds 'n ends. Mostly likely not.

I was eyeing an Office calendar--one of those day by day desk calendars, but refused to pay full price, especially when I knew that Jan 1st, they would all be 50% off. And, if I am a week late with purchasing the calendar, it isn't the end of the world.

I waited. I waited. I waited. (And yes, with some things, I do have infinite patience....others not so much) And finally I found it.

*drumroll please*

The amusing, random Office quote of the day is:

I signed up for Second Life about a year ago. Back then, my life was so great that I literally wanted a second one. In my Second Life, I was also a paper salesman and I was also named Dwight. Absolutely everything was the same, except I could fly.

Stay tuned for the random and amusing Office quote tomorrow.

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