Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Nondenominational Dolls...

Well, it took me 3 weeks to do. But I have to say, it is finally...finally done. It took a lot of planning (and by planning I mean: collecting items, sketching how the room would look, who would be wearing what, and all the other little things that you will see in the pictures that follow)
I set my girls up into groups--some are lighting a Menorah, some are baking, some are ready to go sledding, some are decorating the Christmas Tree, and others are just you will see.
Oh, I have to let you know that finding doll sized well...not the easiest thing in the world to do.

Klara with the dreidel:

Gena, Madeline, Lydia and Caroline lighting the Menorah:

Close up of Caroline lighting the Menorah:

Some various photos of Sophie and Kayleigh decorating the Christmas Tree

Picture above is Emma and Erin about to go sledding!

Kailey and Olivia are comfy cozy ready for the upcoming winter months

Hallie watching Annie ice-skate

Kit and Ruthie are baking away:

My historical dolls getting ready to celebrate various holidays
Kaya, Felicity, Elizabeth, Josefina, Kirsten, Addy, Samantha, Nellie, Molly, Emily and Julie

Pam Beesly and Kelsey baking:

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