Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Nondenominational Dolls...

Well, it took me 3 weeks to do. But I have to say, it is finally...finally done. It took a lot of planning (and by planning I mean: collecting items, sketching how the room would look, who would be wearing what, and all the other little things that you will see in the pictures that follow)
I set my girls up into groups--some are lighting a Menorah, some are baking, some are ready to go sledding, some are decorating the Christmas Tree, and others are just you will see.
Oh, I have to let you know that finding doll sized well...not the easiest thing in the world to do.

Klara with the dreidel:

Gena, Madeline, Lydia and Caroline lighting the Menorah:

Close up of Caroline lighting the Menorah:

Some various photos of Sophie and Kayleigh decorating the Christmas Tree

Picture above is Emma and Erin about to go sledding!

Kailey and Olivia are comfy cozy ready for the upcoming winter months

Hallie watching Annie ice-skate

Kit and Ruthie are baking away:

My historical dolls getting ready to celebrate various holidays
Kaya, Felicity, Elizabeth, Josefina, Kirsten, Addy, Samantha, Nellie, Molly, Emily and Julie

Pam Beesly and Kelsey baking:

Monday, November 24, 2008

Adventures in Ice-Skating

So yesterday, was the first time I went ice-skating this season. I decided that I needed to go. At least once. And I only like to really go when it is super cold out--for some reason, it just makes me feel...alive. So, Rich was coaching in the morning, and I got dropped off at the ice-rink and picked up there.
One of the nicest things about where I live is the ice-skating rink. I know it doesn't seem like much--but it is primarily an outdoor rink, so you feel like your outdoors even though it is screened in. The bad side is, it is only open from November to about March.
I pretty much self-taught myself to ice-skate. Well not really-if you count those lessons that I had when I was 4. I think it lasted oh about a month or so. And not because I was terrible, because I did as well as any other 4 year old would do on ice. But because the lessons ended, and I never got signed up again.
So my mom would take me some weekends. And then in middle school and high school, I went a lot. I think by senior year in high school; I went 2 or 3 times a week. I always wish that I did stick with ice-skating lessons--I am not terrible since I taught myself, I am not a wall hugger--and I don't really fall. Granted, I don't really know how to stop either. But at least I don't fall. Sometimes, it amazes me that I am able to ice-skate. Those that know me now, or have known me in my childhood...know that I have a tendency to lack...well...coordination. You got me. Sometimes, I amazed that I am able to walk from point A to point B. And if you have seen me walk, it is never in a straight line. Dancing is an abnomination. My attempts at gymnastics are pitiful. (considering, I still can't turn a cartwheel) Rollerblading is laughable. Rollerskating is hilarious (there was one time I flew over the guardrails) So, works for me.
I never actually go with anyone. Because sometimes, it is so much easier going by myself then spending the time, energy and effort convincing someone who clearly doesn't want to go, to go with me. I learned in middle school--it just isn't worth it. So, I declare ice-skating for the most part "me time" Time that I can just be myself. That I can collect all my thoughts. That I can relax. It is as theraputic as writing is or taking a bath. It just completely relaxes me.
And now that I teach-a lot of the kids that I teach have lessons there. So it becomes a pride thing--I can't fall, because I don't want to fall in front of my students. But I rarely fall to begin with. Yah...I am that good! Not really--but it is fun for me.
I remember in high school, I had so many ice-skating related dreams when I was sleeping. I wish I could go more than I do go.
But I am thankful that I am able to go as much as I am. Plus, I am putting my ice-skates to good use!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting motivation...

I don't know. Seriously, I have just been so exhausted recently. And it just royally, I manage to have enough energy at work, but I think after using every last drop of energy at work, I come home by 4 o'clock and I am just ready to collapse. Which I am so not used to at all--usually, I am like the energizer bunny, and I have an astronomical amount of well...bounciness and energy--I used to be able to wide awake at 1am, not too long along (like...last month) Now, I am asleep by 10. But I want to go to bed by 8pm. Maybe 11--depending what is on tv that night. Because no matter, how tired I am, I will not miss an episode of Heroes or The Office. And yes, there have been times where I just was holding myself awake, but I didn't want to sleep.

I think this weekend I want to just relax, and well...sleep...and do fun stuff. I need to start getting all my dolls into their "holiday clothes" and setting up scenes and fun things. I also need to do lesson plans. Which seems to be well..constant. Hopefully, we will see how long they take me to do tomorrow--I know, I should be doing them now...but I can't, because I am writing this. And I am hoping for way more energy tomorrow.

*shakes head* I need to take pictures of my Pam doll--I LOVE the new red sweater I got for her, she looks well more Pamish...then she ever did before. Especially with the earrings. I saw a unicorn necklace for her as well on ebay--so I do want to get that.

This past week, I started buying holiday gifts already--actually there were a bunch already bought in the closet of mine. And I know that...Hanukkah is more than a *checks calendar* a month away, I figure if I get one or two things each week, I should be set. I always save Rich for the end, because he is a lot harder to hide the gifts from then lets say...uh...people that don't live here...

I also made my holiday cookie making schedule as well. I think thinking of the holidays, just distracts me from things I should be doing--like...everything else! :o)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Pam doll!

So, slowly but surely, I have been piece-mealing my doll together.

My project started last May. I decided my one doll, who just really sat on the shelf, gathering dust, had very close similarities to her. Only though...some things were off.

Here was the original doll:

And the real Pam Beesly:

Now obviously there were some easy differences--and things that were easily fixable. First off, the easiest was to find some "professional work clothes" and get rid of that stinkin' ranch outfit.

Well...that took awhile, and took time, in hiring doll sized seamstresses (I mean, people seamstresses that sew doll clothes, not that dolls or midgets are the seamstresses--well, you get the point)
In that time, and due to the help of many friends, my imagination and some money I managed to find (or acquire):
a gray skirt, a black skirt, brown pants, lavendar cardigan, bright white keds (from the Dundies episode), a white button down shirt, a pink peacoat, and blue button down shirt.

I have also managed to semi-replicate various outfits from different episodes:

I have the Casino Night Dress--the lavendar one, with lavendar shoes as well.

I have a similar outfit to the Beach Game Episode: jean capris, bathing suit, pink tank top, and a black zip up hoodie (it should be blue, but that is semantics)
I also have a cat costume from the Halloween Episode, with ears and everything.

I got a red turtleneck sweater and was able to create an outfit from the Beni-Hana Christmas episode.Italic
On the way to me I have some more button down striped shirts coming, and a jumper and shirt similar to the one that she wore at her art show during the Business School episode.

That was the easy part--just finding different outfits that I can recreate. The other things were a lot harder:
First of my original Nicki doll--had blue eyes. Pam has green/hazel eyes. Well, I do have one doll that matches the hazel eyes, so I sent them in for eye-swaps. Yep, I sent the dolls head in via the USPS to get their eyes changed at a doll hospital.

Done and done.
Then my Nicki had freckles and Pam does not. So, I spent an evening with my doll, q-tips, and non-acetone nail polish remover, and "de-freckled" her---yes, that is a professional term. I removed her freckles, and unfortunately removed some of the blush--so I do have to touch that up.

Another thing I noticed is that Nicki doesn't have earings, but Pam does. So, I did the only obvious thing to do--I got Pam's ears pierced--with little silver hoops.

Now, I am in the process of getting her a silver unicorn necklace--and I believe I found one. I have seen three different necklaces that she typically wears on the show--a unicorn, a dove and a butterfly. The unicorn is the easiest to duplicate.

I also plan on getting her a teapot--mostly because in Season 2, during The Christmas Party, Jim gives her a teapot. So, I have a doll sized teapot in mind, which I will be painting a seafoam green.

I have to say, my Pam doll is more a season 2 & season 3 Pam then Season 4 or 5 Pam--mostly because the outfits from then are just easier to recreate.

These are some updated pictures, minus the earrings. :o)


Okay, I don't usually get nightmares much anymore--I really, really don't. However, last night I had one--and it was terrible. I woke up shaking and sweating and couldn't fall back to sleep for about an hour or so.

The nightmare is kinda hazy. I remember it taking place in Chicago, why Chicago...I don't know, since I never have been there. I was staying at a hotel with two friends, who I couldn't identify. Anyway, we were a witness to a crime, and pretty much being hunting down through the whole dream. The killer was trying to track us down, and I kept on trying to call 911, however, I didn't know Chicago's area code--so they wouldn't put me there OR I would dial the wrong number and someone at the school would answer.

This happened about 5 times in the dream.

I finally managed to wake myself up when I got out of the hotel we were staying at--I had a feeling the man was able to find out where we were, and I was hurrying to my friends to get out, get out, get out. And I ran out, and they got lost from me.

Needless to say, I was shaking at 1:30 am. I was sweating. I grabbed my chilldhood stuffed Miss Piggy and hugged her, Rich and the cats, to calm me down. I thought happy thoughts. I turned on Nick at Nite, instead of the history channel. And eventually, eventually...

I drifted back to sleep. A dreamless sleep this time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Art of Procrastination...

The Art of Procrastination...
By nature I am a procrastinator. I will do everything else that doesn't need to be done, before I actually get to the one thing that NEEDS to be done.
It started in my childhood years--I was very bright, and an early reader, however my report card was always filled with "time management" and "daydreams too much" kind of statements. My parents expected it, but were always unhappy just the same.
I remember leaving things to the very last minute, and then getting sick that day. Or something would come up. Or there would be an emergency...or something...just about everything would get in the way. And then I would get talked to which in parent language means "lectured" and I still never really learned.
I just got older. And my ways of procrastination seemed to be perfected to a science. To where, people may not even know that I am not doing work, because I just look like I am busy all the time. Unfortunately, I do everything except what I should be doing. Which is kind of a problem.
Two fine examples of my procrastination skills:
This past Sunday, I had to do lesson plans. I know I had to do lesson plans. I do them every week--so it is never a surprise that they needed to get done. They had to get done, and unfortunately I was the one that had to do it. I was also off on Thursday and Friday as well as the weekend--so theoretically, they could have gotten done on Thursday. They probably should have gotten done on Thursday, but unfortunately, on Thursday, I was busy doing everything else--but my lesson plans. So, Sunday I decide to start them for this coming week. I turned on my computer at 6pm. Opened Microsoft Office at 6:05, and didn't officially start my lesson plans until 10:15. That was 4 hours and 15 minutes, that I could have been doing work, but just well...chose not to. I was looking and doing everything else--'cept laundry, because I wouldn't even stoop that low. However, I talked to a few people on the phone, searched ebay, cleaned the cats litter, took a bath, send a few e-mails, wrote a few letters, complained about doing my lesson plans, posted on my blog, organized my socks, and decided to look for a t-shirt online. Seriously! Well, I need to head to bed by 11; so I figured at 10:15--I should attempt to start it. Well I did. The three lesson plans at I needed to write, took at most 40 minutes--when I was actually working. So, my lesson plans took 5 hours--however, only 40 minutes of "workable" time.
Case #2
This story happened in July. Rich and I got a safe deposit box, so while I was home for the summer, I was told very specifically to gather up our birth certificates, marriage licenses, and other various important documents. I knew where they were. I knew exactly where they were. In actually it should have taken me 5 minutes. Here is what happened in reality: I went down to the basement. Good intentions of actually doing it. Seriously! I had the best intentions in mind. Well, once I opened the storage room door--I realized that conveniently the file box that they were in, was also right next to the letter box and my photo box. (before I go on, you need to know an important characteristic of my personality is I save everything) I pulled out the letter box first and started to read. And read. I saved every letter and every card I have gotten since I was 10. (I also went to sleep away summer camps from 10-22, so there was a whole lot of letters in there.) I pulled out my graduation cards, birthday cards, the ghosts of memories coming back to me. I thought about people I haven't thought about in days, months, even well...years. Well then after reading all those letters, I had to look through my photo box. I pulled out photos, some were wrinkled and weather worn with age. Some looked brand-new. Some, I had a far away look in my eye and I was wondering what was bothering me then. Some I was with friends I haven't talked to in years. And then I found a book of photos. As, I was looking at these photos (now remember, at this time at least 2-3 hours have past) I remembered one of my best friends from high school. Periodically, I used to think about him every few months, but we lost touch for three years. It was completely not my fault. (And yes, I am able to say that with a complete straight face, and mean it too. But that is semantics) Anyway, I found a picture of us in high school; although I have to say he was in a bunch of pictures, but there was one of us in highschool, that just made me smile. Mostly because I remember the day vividly. Except for my wedding, I didn't see him for 9 years, and we were friends for 11 years. Anyway, I digress. So, after viewing these pictures, I decided to contact my old friends--lucky for me, they have the same e-mail address and screen names. (Or rather unlucky for me, because it just meant more time for me not to do work) I went back upstairs, my original project completely forgetten, and I went to talk to my old friends. Then, I decided since I was getting in touch with old friends that I haven't talked to you in years, I should make calls to the friends I do talk to regularly-especially since most of them were having a rough time then. Now, it is 4 and a half hours later. After catching up, and going swimming, I get back at 8pm, and remember what I was supposed to be doing 8 hours ago. I go downstairs to the basement again. I then had to clean up my original memory lane mess. And I find the documents I was looking for 8 and a half hours ago. As predicted, it took 5 minutes to find them--and 8 and a half hours to actually do it.
Yep. If there were medals for procrastination-I would have a gold medal. I have it down to a science.

Warm 'n fuzzy quotes Part 1

So, I did promise you some warm n' fuzzy quotes--these make me smile, feel happy, remind me of certain people in my life, or memories.

  • "You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting."~Tinkerbell
  • "What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies."~Aristotle
  • "Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering." ~Winnie the Pooh
  • "After all, a person is a person, no matter how small."~Horton
  • "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you." ~Winnie the Pooh
  • "It's so much more friendly with two."~Winnie the Pooh
  • "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one."~C.S Lewis
  • "You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that."~E.B. White
  • "When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."~Dr. Seuss
  • "We do not quit playing because we grow old, we grow old because we quit playing."~Oliver Holmes
  • "You know, dolls make the very best friends. Just because they can't speak doesn't mean they don't listen"~A Little Princess
  • "Magic has to be believed. That's the only way it's real."~A Little Princess

I do have tons more--they will eventually be posted in "Warm 'n Fuzzy Quotes: Part Two"

Things happen for a reason...

So, before I go to bed at night---I have hazy thoughts. I love this time. I am remembering of a quote from Tinkerbell that describes that time perfectly...

You know that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you.

Obviously, not exactly--but I still love that quote. It makes me feel warm 'n fuzzy inside. There are many other quotes like that, which unfortunately I will post after this one, so I won't get everyone to confused.

Anyway, I digress. There is a reason for everything, I believe that completely. Things that happened to you in the past--events that took place, as painful and as hard as it to go through then--it happened for a reason. Never, ever forget that. I know it is hard to wrap your mind around, when you are in the midst of that tough time-I get that. I really and truly do.

But people came into your life for a reason. People left your life for a reason. You may not know why or the reason behind it until the very end. The whole story may be left a mystery, but each person that you encounter, whether you like it or not...touches your life. For better or worse.

Certain events may bring a new friendship, or rekindle an old one. Or find someone that you can completely, and utterly trust.

Never, ever, ever give up.

Never lose faith.

Always remember that everything does happen for a reason.

Frustrated with myspace blog...

I have seriously had a blog for years---probably at least 6 or 7 years. I started off with livejournal--and then moved to myspace, because livejournal was being a pain in the ass in deleting some posts--refusing to let me edit, that sort of thing. So, I started on myspace, where it has been off and on for years; and now myspace some days will take me about two hours to post something, because I keep getting error messages.

So I decided to try this instead--however, I think for the time being I am going to try to duplicate the posts, for a couple of reasons.

First off, I know at least 3 active readers on myspace...the reason why I use the term "active" is because they do leave comments. I do know of more readers that do read, and just rarely leave comments--and that is fine too. But I think that if I moved it over here, I would have less people reading--because no one will really check it as often. Hence for the time being, I will try to double post it. However, if I keep on getting error messages--I will be using this exclusively.

Another thing, is here, I can't make them private at all. I liked that about myspace--that I could make it completely private some entries, plus I loved that they put the subject up there, just to drive people crazy--because it is SO me. However, that won't happen here--everything has to be public, or everything has to be private, which just sucks.

Another thing I am going to have to get used to is the emotions in myspace--they don't have them here. I don't use them often, but everyone once in awhile they are nice to have.

So, I will see how this works out.

My new address is this:

Hope to see everyone here....or there?

Monday, November 10, 2008 want to be me???

It’s hard being me...*giggles*

I think very few people can tackle the Jordynish qualities that I exhibit. I have met a couple of people that come close.

It takes hard work, talent, and being an expert at procrastination..along with a dose of goofiness.

Requirements for being "me":
Having patience while reading books out loud.
Changing your voice or rather, "acting" when reading books out loud.
Being an expert at sending letters and care packages.
Loving to bake--but never eating what you bake, because they are never for you.
Being odd.
Enjoying making things--doll sized socks, toothbrush bracelets and Halloween costumes, just to name a few.
Writing constantly.
Dressing 30 dolls for various events/holidays and setting up scenes with them. Then photographing them to show off your hard work.
If you start a book, you can't fall asleep until you finish it.
Memorizing the movies "Ten Things I Hate About You," "Beauty and the Beast," and "When Harry Met Sally."
Being able to dissect and analyze Jim and Pam's relationship on The Office.
Having an odd affinity for numbers--especially birthdays, phone numbers, and addresses
Counting walking coffee cups with brown feet to fall asleep.
Getting excited over the little things in life.
Having an exorbitant amount of bounciness.
Eating spaghetti with ketchup and butter.
Writing and receiving e-mails.
Having a love of thingamajigs, Care Bears, and Gummy Bears.
Being the world's best procrastinator.

Also, if you decide you want to chance being me, you will have to set your eating habits by medicine. Seriously. Not joking. If I take my medicine at breakfast--without waiting 40-60 minutes until AFTER I am done eating, I get so shaky, I can't even hold a fork.

Hmmmm...what would also have to love cats, zoos, aquariums, comfy cozy clothes, oddly patterned socks, grilled cheese sandwiches, Barnes and Nobles, coffee, the American Girl Store, the beach, stargazing, cuddling, diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper, ice-skating, Full House, Family Ties, The Cosby Show, movie theater popcorn with M&M's, The Muppets, Fraggle Rock, Children's books, Disney World, snowflakes, frogs, warm bubble baths, sappy movies (especially Holiday movies) and hot chocolate.

However, if you decide that you will be able to handle all that, you would then have to have a fear of (or a loathing dislike of): fire, roller-coasters, scary movies, and being robbed

You would need to have a semi-dislike of: chicken (except chicken nuggets, and fried chicken), steak, exercise ('cept ice-skating and swimming), mean people, selfish people, being criticized, laundry, cleaning the litter box, writing lesson plans, knowing when something is wrong and people won't tell you, and waking up in the morning before you are ready to get up. think that you may be able to pull me off???

Maybe. Maybe not.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun...

I hate keeping secrets...

But sometimes they are necessary.

Someone of the really, really big secrets--I won't say---I can't say--due to circumstances

I don't even feel comfortable writing them in a diary or something--because I am fearful someone will read it--which is a realistic fear, since it did get read in high school.

So right now...

I keep my secrets...

Close to my heart.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why Bother?

Seriously--just why bother? 

When everyone else has a bad day-I am the person they go to. I am the person they talk to. I am the one that listens.

When I have a bad day--and want to talk.

It seems like no one wants to listen.

So why bother talking? Seriously. 

It just frustrates me.


Today, I don't know---I just wish I could erase. Wouldn't that be nice--to be able to erase a certain day or certain event, so that it never actually happened.

I don't know if it was the clouds that made me grumpy and sad. Or maybe it was me being grumpy that made the clouds appear--yah, like I have that much power.

I don't know--conversations from last night were still milling around in my head all day, which I know it did seem to affect me. I wish I could erase certain conversations last night--some piqued my curiosity, which is a bad thing--cause I am nosy. So of course, I wish that one didn't happen. Some made me sad. Some made me worry. Some made me question things that I may not be ready to question. Yes, all of those happened last night.

I wish there was a rock or a cave with my name in it--cause I would just escape there--escape from my worries. Escape from my grumpiness. Just escape. I am so looking forward to going away this weekend--I need a break. A serious break. Not a make believe break--a real one. And I am hoping to get that and refresh myeslf.

I need a mental vacation.

Sometimes--I feel like I just try so hard. I wonder things...

On top of all this, my last class of the day was atrocious. Apparently--something happened in class before, which all the first graders brought into my class--there was name calling, and fighting and just all around nastiness. I told them if they said anymore mean things about each other-I would go home and cry. They thought I was joking--but I really did feel like crying.

I need a hug. I need to escape. I need to go ice-skating. I need a friend. I need to be distracted. Apparently, I need a lot of things.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.


Today, I don't know---I just wish I could erase. Wouldn't that be nice--to be able to erase a certain day or certain event, so that it never actually happened.

I don't know if it was the clouds that made me grumpy and sad. Or maybe it was me being grumpy that made the clouds appear--yah, like I have that much power.

I don't know--conversations from last night were still milling around in my head all day, which I know it did seem to affect me. I wish I could erase certain conversations last night--some piqued my curiosity, which is a bad thing--cause I am nosy. So of course, I wish that one didn't happen. Some made me sad. Some made me worry. Some made me question things that I may not be ready to question. Yes, all of those happened last night.

I wish there was a rock or a cave with my name in it--cause I would just escape there--escape from my worries. Escape from my grumpiness. Just escape. I am so looking forward to going away this weekend--I need a break. A serious break. Not a make believe break--a real one. And I am hoping to get that and refresh myeslf.

I need a mental vacation.

Sometimes--I feel like I just try so hard. I wonder things...

On top of all this, my last class of the day was atrocious. Apparently--something happened in class before, which all the first graders brought into my class--there was name calling, and fighting and just all around nastiness. I told them if they said anymore mean things about each other-I would go home and cry. They thought I was joking--but I really did feel like crying.

I need a hug. I need to escape. I need to go ice-skating. I need a friend. I need to be distracted. Apparently, I need a lot of things.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.


If I was able to ask these questions I would:

First off, Why Me? Seriously...just why?

I don't like to have drama in my life. I like my life simple, less complicated, uneventful. I am a peaceful person. I don't like change. I don't like rocking the boat. I am perfectly getting up in the morning at the same time, eating breakfast (always a chocolate fudge poptart) at the same time, I check my e-mail at the same time. I get home at the same time. I like consistancy. Regularity.

I talk to the same people every day. I am not a shaker upper. I am just not. I am a calming presence most people say---people seem to instinctively trust me. I listen. I don't act.

I have the same 5 favorite shirts-that if I could I wear them all the time. I wear the same shoes every day-I have a brown pair and a black pair. (However, I do have a baby pink pair of sneakers)

I am boring I guess. I like vanilla ice cream. Maybe on rare occassions I'll get mint chocolate chip. I just don't deviate. I could eat the same thing for lunch for a year (and have!)

I don't handle change well. Well, certain change well. Moving I do fine with. College I do fine with. Things like that-I can handle, because I know wherever I go, I'll still be in contact with my best friends. And family. And I know that my lifestyle and routine won't change.

But other change I don't handle well. I certainly don't handle drama well. I would rather not know the answers to things, even though I know I am right--then actually get proven that I am right. I find security in the unknown. *shrugs*

And usually-I am an expert at avoiding things like that. I really am-I managed to dodge it for years--and I am great at that. But sometimes, drama and stuff like this, just manages to find me anyway-when I least expect it, when I am not ready for it.

And that just royally sucks.

Yes, to me, not knowing is the best way to handle things. If I don't know things-I wouldn't worry about my friends and family. I would live my life peacefully. My routine wouldn't be changed. So yeah, no more drama for me please. No more answers, no more questions...just well...nothing!

Master of Procrastination


I definitely win as master of procrastination. Why you ask?

Well...instead of doing my lesson plans for this three day week...

I decided to do something way more important.

I was sewing doll sized socks. If that isn't procastination, I don't know what is!